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Starting Cannabis Survival Churches, Part 2

The second hour begins the real depth of the interview with Marshall Masters. In order to maximize the learning experience, Marshall has provided a free, full-color e-book for you to follow along with his talk.

Go here to download: https://breakdradio.com/2022/03/starting-a-cannabis-survival-church-win-win-survival-communities/

Marshall discusses the cost of Cannabis Survival Churches and admits that the high number for community construction does scare families. However, he lays out a way for you to not only raise the capital for underground farming, but gives you ideas on how to do it. The question comes up as to why cannabis is the cash crop. Pound-for-pound, underground, aquaponic grown cannabis sells for more at wholesale than truffle’s at retail.

It’s already being done by a group called “Green Relief.” We get a tour through one of their facilities and see how aquaponics helps produce revenues of more than $10 million dollars per year.

Be sure to get the free e-book and enjoy all that the interview offers.

Marshall Masters' website: https://yowusa.com/

Listen to The Breakdown: https://breakdradio.com/

Listen to Odysy Radio: https://www.odysyradio.com/